John has a diverse background, ranging from being a police cadet to running his own bar in Italy and working as a croupier in London and the Bahamas. He also spent 30 years as an Independent Financial Adviser, running his own company, which he sold in 2012 to focus on estate planning.

For nearly three decades, John has specialised in helping clients protect their assets through Wills, Trusts, and Lasting Powers of Attorney. While many clients concentrate on building their wealth through property investments or running their own businesses, few take the necessary steps to efficiently protect and transfer these assets to their beneficiaries. Complex family situations, including blended families and diverse business and property assets, often require more than a simple Will.

John dedicates time to thoroughly review his clients' circumstances, understand their goals, and provide tailored recommendations to safeguard their assets. With his extensive financial services background, John believes it is crucial for clients to fully understand the estate planning strategies before taking action. Given that estate planning is dynamic and clients' circumstances can evolve over time, regular reviews are essential to ensure plans remain effective.