Powerful Lifetime Estate Planning Strategies Event in Bristol on 11 May
WAY Trustees Limited, in partnership with Aetas Partners, invite you to attend an Estate Planning Seminar on Thursday 11th May in Bristol.
The seminar will focus on how you can use flexible family trusts as part of a wider estate planning strategy.
You will learn Powerful Lifetime Estate Planning Strategies from our experts and they will demonstrate how you can ensure the preservation of your family wealth for future generations.
The event is designed for individuals, families and their advisers – and is perfect for those who want to find out more about the options available to them. In particular those who:
- are concerned they may have a potential liability to Inheritance Tax (IHT)
- have not yet made provision for their family
- want to ensure family wealth ends up in the right hands
- want to have access to their capital in the future should their circumstances change.
You’ll discover:
- powerful strategies to maximise your estate value
- insights and strategies from leading specialist planners.
You’ll have the opportunity to meet the teams from WAY and Aetas and other leading client professionals and arrange a convenient time to meet their experts.
Speakers include
- Nathan Blackmore from WAY Trustees & Matthew Steiner from Aetas Partners will highlight the benefits of their collaboration.
- Mark Wintle from WAY Trustees will Introduce the Acrobat Trust, a solution to the gifting dilemma.
- Daniel Cottam from Aetas Wealth will share financial and estate planning ideas to maximise your legacy.
- We are delighted to be joined by Ian Dibb from Keylu who will showcase his unique life administration product.
This event will be held in Bristol on Thursday, 11 May 2023
OCF Bristol Conference Centre
Church Road
BS35 3SQ