Art Club

Featured Artists

Simon Cavelle

Simon Cavelle

Simon Cavelle, Artist

Simon has both Sri Lankan and Yorkshire heritage, spending his formative years in Sudan, but is now based in London. Aside from 4 years in the Household Cavalry, Simon has always worked in art and design. He started a furniture design company, using paint effects borrowed from artists over the centuries and wrote the Encyclopedia of decorative paint effects. He then expanded into interior design setting up a successful business and a role as Director of Studies for KLC School of Design, he was a Board member of the International Federation of Interior Architects and Designers (IFI) and has chaired the British Interior Designers Association (BIDA).

Now focusing on art, Simon’s passion for aesthetic interior design has inspired his abstract, often large canvas works that harmonise with the textures and colour schemes of their environment. Adding that touch of opulence and prestige of original art created exclusively for his clients.

A selection of Simon’s work is exhibited at JAB International’s showroom in Imperial Wharf or you can take a look at his website featuring his wider portfolio.